It's a curious coincidence that the 2.7.9 they mention was released exactly 10 years ago. But regardless it goes to show this guide is completely outdated for developers working in the current decade. Not to mention it doesn't differ at all to common style guides in use everywhere.

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Well, it does differ. They based the Style Guide on the Google Python Style Guide and wrote a bunch of points where they differed, with pros and cons along with the decision. You can access it in the references section.

Vault 7 was released in 2017, Python3.4 was released in 2014. It does not mean that the last time they used Python3.4 was in 2014 when it was first released.

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How can we verify this is real?

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Trust WikiLeaks?

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“ the code as well as solutions used give the hacked-together vibe rather than your typical Python engineering experience.”

Can you illustrate this a bit more or point to an example please?

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Look at Python files in here: https://github.com/infoskirmish/hive. The code sometimes is not neat.

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